RYC'22 second session will begin again on Monday, March 14th and run for eight weeks! We are looking forward to taking this journey with you and can't wait to see you Reveal Your Champion! To join in on the fun fill out the registration form below. RYC'22 Registration FormName(Required) First Last Email(Required) Enter Email Confirm Email PhoneSOO Community(Required)example: OttawaAre you an Athlete or Volunteer?(Required) Athlete Volunteer FacebookThe RYC'22 program will be using a private Facebook group to engage and connect the participants. If you will be joining the Facebook Group with an account other than the name used to register please indicate what the name of the account is. Facebook Account NameMedia Opt OutSOO occassionaly uses media (pictures, videos, interviews or quotes) collected during programs to promot the organization to gain suport from sponsors and others to help grow the movement. If you do not wish for SOO to use your picture, words or voice in promotional medai you may opt out by checking the box and signing below. Please select an option(Required)Allow use: I allow SOO to use my picture, words or voice in promotional media, or that of the individual I am signing forDo not allow use: I do not want SOO to use my picture, words or voice in promotional media or that of the individual I am signing forSignee Name(Required) First Last Signature(Required)